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Car rental in Favignana: info and reservations

Car rental in Favignana: info and reservations
Select date and quantity
Starting from 45,00
Starting from 45,00 €
Starting from 180,00 €
Starting from 60,00 €

With Info Point Favignana you can rent a car online or directly on site. Renting a car means choosing to move and reach all the places of interest in a short time and in total comfort.
Rent a car in Favignana and make your holiday unforgettable! The rental includes: assistance, RC insurance and home delivery / collection. The cost of fuel is borne by the driver.

Why to book with us

Exclusive benefits if you book online

Avoid the lines!

By booking online you will avoid unnecessary queues and it will be a vacation right away.

Save your money!

By booking online you will get a 10% discount

24 hour assistance

Assistance guaranteed for all the time of the rental

save -10%
45 €
save -10%
30 €
save -10%
8 €
save -10%
20 €
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