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Electric bike rental in Favignana: info and reservations

Electric bike rental in Favignana: info and reservations
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Starting from 20,00

The common perception once you arrive on the island is that it is very small. In reality Favignana has a sufficiently large surface that cannot be turned exclusively on foot. To fully appreciate the wonders of the landscapes that the area offers, Info Point Favignana recommends the rental of bikes or electric bikes. The rental includes: assistance, padlock, home delivery / collection, basket for objects and the map of the island.

Why to book with us

Exclusive benefits if you book online

Avoid the lines!

By booking online you will avoid unnecessary queues and it will be a vacation right away.

Save your money!

By booking online you will get a 10% discount

24 hour assistance

Assistance guaranteed for all the time of the rental

save -10%
50 €
save -10%
35 €
save -10%
8 €
save -10%
20 €
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